This ginger eggplant and turkey stir fry dish came out of a time when I was trying to follow a recipe, but ended up with half of the actual ingredients, and needed to use some things in my fridge before they went bad (I really hate food waste), and it ended up BETTER than the original recipe. I won’t pretend that I can come up with a stellar recipe our of thin air, but if given a framework I can get pretty creative, the resulting meal almost always turns out a winner. …also anything with ginger is a winner for me.

If you’re like me and avoid lengthy recipes from those gorgeous cookbooks that we all drool over but never actually use, then you’re in good company. I don’t think I’ve ever followed a recipe exactly. It’s impossible if you are conscious of not buying ingredients that will eventually collect dust in your cupboard. In reality it’s much more practical to use what you have, and get some essential ingredients. Which is why I love sharing recipes that are really flexible and allow you to use what you have, and change it up to suit what pleases your taste buds.

So use this (and all other recipes) I share as a framework. Look at what you have already, what you love and or hate to eat, and create a recipe of your own. IF you are still in the mood for turkey check out my Turkey Chili recipe, its especially lovely on a cold day.

PS, a note on herbs. I always hated when recipes called for a small amount of herbs, because you have to buy the whole bunch, and the rest would end up going bad before I could use it. I started using this herb saver we got for our wedding, and not only does it really help them last longer, but it looks so cute on our counter!

Ginger Eggplant Turkey Stir-fry

Serves 2


  • 1 eggplant peeled and chopped into 1/2 inch (ish) cubes
  • 1/2 lb ground turkey (go for more if you prefer more or are serving 3-4 people)
  • a couple of garlic cloves diced (2-3 is fine)
  • 1 inch piece of ginger, peeled and minced
  • 1 scallion (not necessary if you don’t have one, but it’s yummy)
  • handful of chopped cilantro
  • handful of spinach leaves (not necessary, I just wanted to use the last of the spinach we had, you can really throw and leftover veggies in this)
  • 1-2 tbsp soy sauce
  • juice from half a lime
  • cooking oil of your choice (I used peanut, but it’s really not important what kind you use)

Ok don’t freak out. I know that looks like a lot, but if you don’t have one or two ingredients, just make do with what you have. I will say that the ginger made this meal so special and unique, so I would make an effort to get that if you don’t have it.


  • In a large skillet heat up 2-3 tbsp of cooking oil on high and sauté chopped eggplant, stirring until brown. It will look like a lot of eggplant but it shrinks down quite a bit.
  • While that is sautéing chop garlic, ginger, scallion, and cilantro. You will need these for later.
  • Once the eggplant is browned turn the heat down to low-medium.
  • In a separate skillet sauté the turkey meat with the garlic and ginger in your oil of choice. Just a tablespoon or two will be fine.
  • Once the turkey meat is cooked through and no longer pink, add it to the eggplant skillet. Finally add the cilantro, spinach, scallion, soy sauce, and lime juice. Sauté together for a minute or two just to incorporate all of the ingredients. Feel free to add other spices or veggies at any point if they speak to you. Like if you are in a curry mood, go for it!

Like I said before, the best recipe is the one you are willing to make. Don’t let complex recipes or lengthy ingredients lists deter you from making a delicious meal! Get creative, be flexible, use what you have, and make it your own!

Bon Apetit!

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