Have you taken a deep breath today?

If not please do so now.

*inhale…………exhale*. Much better.

The mental gymnastics we’ve all been performing to compute everything that’s transpired in the last few days, months, heck…4 years,  would earn all of us a gold medal. It’s taken a toll.*I say this as a white woman of privelage, acknowledging the fact that I’ve experienced very little of this trauma personally, as compared to people of color and other marginalized people.* Nonetheless, the events we are witness to are not normal, and processing these puts us in uncharted mental terriroty.

Especially for my fellow empaths and highly sensitive people- we need tools. I find myself doom scrolling and consuming waaayyyyy too much news during major newsworthy events. It’s draining. If you’re drained by it all, I feel you,

Now, I am not a mental health expert. But I am an expert in my experience, (as are you of yours) so I want to share what I’ve thought to do that might help fortify my mental wellbeing, in hopes that maybe it will also help you find some ease and softness in these prickly times.

First, a reminder (whether you need it or not), it’s ok to feel everything. Angry, sad, overwhelmed, anxious, nauseous, lost, helpless, hopeless. It’s possible to both be strong and cry your eyes out. You have permission to not know how you are feeling and feel all the things at once. I try to remind myself that it’s all part of this beautiful human experience we get to have right now.

6 Things I do to Feel Good During Tough Times


1) I Explore New (or old) Books That Bring Me Joy!

One of my favorite past times is milling about a book store, no plan or goal in mind, just explore topics and books. I let my curiosity lead me. I especially love books on art, cooking, gardening, crafts, spiritual growth, history, and really fluffy chick-lit. This has been more difficult during the pandemic, but luckily I can still do a version of that by browsing books online or on my own bookshelf at home. Here are a few that caught my attention recently, mixed in with some of my favorites I go back to again and again. 

2. I do something creative with my hands

As a yoga teacher I love to talk about the mind body connection. When we sync up our physical movements and our mental awareness we take our minds out of a worry spiral and into the present moment. I find that it’s grounding and calming to focus my mind on the physical movements and feelings in my body. It’s also a soulsatisfying activity to create. Even if you don’t consider yourself a creative person you can definitely find something that is a calming and creative activity. Here are a few ideas:

  • journal
  • color
  • paint
  • knit
  • decorate your home
  • watch a youtube tutorial on a hairstyle you’ve never tried before
  • collage
  • collect pretty things in nature
  • do a puzzle
  • arrange flowers
  • paint a room in your house
  • give your partner a massage, and ask for one in return.


3) I Turn to Music Therapy

Here are a few spotify playlists that are guarenteed to elevate your mood in no time. 

Golden Hour

Nancy Meyers’ Kitchen

Feel Good Classics

A Perfect Day

If you’re looking for more calm, ambient listening check out these playlists.

Jazz in the Background

Calming Classical

Stress Relief

Acoustic Covers

4) I Plan a Mini Virtual Retreat With My Bestie

When my lifelong bestie and I were expressing our difficulty moving through tough times we had the idea to get together *virtually* for a retreat. We set aside a couple of hours on a Saturday and talked about how we are feeling (think of it as a free therapy session), did a guided meditation, journaled, watched a watercolor tutorial on youtube, and anything else that helped us feel calmer and stronger.

I have a ton of ideas for at home retreat activities in the Seasonal Self Care Guide.

You can find that in the resource library.

5) I Dive Into a Feel-Good Show

It’s debated whether bingewatching is actually helpful, or merely a numbing tactic to avoid dealing with the realities of one’s life. I like to believe if it’s not harming you or others and it helps you feel better go feakin’ do it! Find what relaxes you; maybe it’s a comedy like New Girl, or The Golden Girls, or it could be a loveable drama like Gossip Girl, or Gilmore Girls (yes I realize all of my favorite shows are about “girls”).

Maybe you like old movies from the 40’s, or a classic disney cartoon. A cheezy rom-com or a British costume drama.  Whatever your cup of tea, know it’s ok to have a marathon sesh of your favorite feel good show. I do it on the reg.


6) I Try Out a Meditation App

It’s no surprise that I love guided meditations. I find it so much easier to drop in and really relax, as opposed to sitting on total silence. If you find yout thoughts are often loud and disruoptive check out two of my favorites: 

Free Resource Library

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