I’m 50/50 when it comes to being a total believer or complete sceptic regarding the health claims of many products I try. I see this all over the wellness industry; products that make outrageous statements of the benefits making you feel like you have to buy it. That’s marketing 101. I get that. So While I am totally into it I also take everything with a grain of salt.

So, why did I give the ionic brush thing a try?

The health benefits of dry brushing (which I like to do on a fairly regular basis) are said to be enhanced through the use of an ionic dry brush, which has its origin in ancient Ayurvedic practices (another thing I am super into). So we got of to a good start.

The ion-charged copper bristles naturally create negative ions that supposedly protect your body from free radicals and have numerous other health benefits. The molecular composition of the bristles encourages the direct and immediate absorption of negative ions into your skin, or so they say, which increases the benefits of dry brushing. I figured why the heck not give it a go?

How Do Ionic Dry Brushes Work?

When you brush your skin with an ionic body brush, you create a natural friction between the ion-charged copper bristles and your skin. That friction creates negative ions on the surface of your skin.

Using an ionic body brush has the effect of providing your body with an excess of negative ions, which in turn provides your body with a multitude of ‘spare’ electrons which are ready to neutralize free radicals that come into contact with your body. In other words, regularly using an ionic body brush essentially creates a ‘protective ion shield’ around your body.

Now, my sceptic brain said “where’s the proof of that?” And I don’t have an answer. Maybe somewhere out there is a scientific study about this, but honestly y’all, it’s a dry brush not a cure for cancer. I can chill out on the “where’s the proof” talk for a bit.

Choosing the right brush

Here are the things I look for in a brush:

  • It’s made of natural natural bristles, such as plant fibers, animal hair, or copper (synthetic bristles such as plastic will be too stiff and harsh for your skin).
  • Ethical and sustainable sourcing (something I am keeping in mind for ALL things I buy nowadays).

The ionic dry brush I first tried is by Prana Brush, here’s what I like about it:

I like that Prana Brushes are handmade in California from sustainably-harvested beechwood. I am all about supporting small, local businesses, especially ones that have sustainability and ethical sourcing in mind. Also, all of their brushes features an outer ring of bristles made from ethically-sourced boar hair.

The ion-charged copper bristles in Prana brushes are made from an alloy of copper and zinc, both of which are very important trace minerals. Copper aids in the formation of collagen, facilitates the absorption of iron, and plays a central role in energy production. In addition, zinc is essential for healthy hormone production, maintaining energy levels, supporting immunity, and promoting good digestion.

The unique molecular structure of the copper bristles permits negative ions (created by the friction between the copper bristles and your skin) to be directly absorbed by your skin and into your body.

My thoughts after using the Prana brush

Ok, holy dead skin cells! oh. my. god. I can’t even tell you. The exfoliating factor is a 10 out of 10. While I was brushing I could see the dead skin cells come up like a puff of smoke with each brush stroke. Like imagine opening a new bottle of baby powder when you get that little “poof” of powder. It was that intense. But I can’t tell you how satisfying it was.

Now, because the bristles are copper it was a more intense sensation than my other much softer brush. So I would not recommend it if you have cuts or burns. The brushing almost hurt but like a good kind of hurt if that makes any sense. I got used to it after a few days but the first time I tried it I was like “ouch, that kinds hurts.”

I wasn’t able to see a visible difference in my skin but I did notice an energized feeling in my body after brushing. It’s like a quick jolt of coffee. Especially in the morning before a shower it definitely gave me a boost. My skin felt tingly and awake (if you can imagine what that feels like).

It’s a bit addicting. Anytime I felt sluggish or lazy I would find myself wanting to go and use the brush because I knew it would give me a much needed boost. I think this would be good for anyone to keep in their purse or at their desk and use during that afternoon slump at work if you have a space you can do it.

As for the whole “negative ion” thing I can’t really speak to it because I wasn’t sure what to look for. It’s not exactly like I know the feeling of having extra negative ions in my body or anything. So while it’s a cool notion it’s hard to quantify.

To sum it up:

Pros: Great exfoliator! Leaves you feeling energized.

Cons: Copper bristles are a bit tough and may be intense for sensitive people.

If you want to give it a try, the lovely people at Prana Brush gave me a discount code for my readers so you can try it out yourself! Use the code BLOOMANDSPARK15 for 15% off.

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