As someone who has struggled with anxiety and sleep issues in the past I became interested in learning about the benefits of taking CBD as soon as I heard of it. A few years ago when there were whispers of CBD use among those in the wellness community I started to try out different brands, but most importantly I wanted to do my research. Of the brands I have tried in the past I always looked into the farming practices and production of the oil, as well as who was running the show. Beyond that it was important to me that I learn how to take this stuff safely and effectively. 

I’m not loyal to any one particular brand but I am happy to share what I am loving right now which is 43CBD. This is not a paid or sponsored post by the way but the guys at 43CBD kindly reached out to me and offered some of their products for me to try out, so I will tell you honestly what I think. But first…

What to know if you’re new to taking CBD

CBD Tinctures are solutions consisting of the cannabinoid Cannabidiol (CBD) extracted from industrial hemp and suspended in organic hemp seed oil. CBD is not psychoactive and will not provide any of the “overly relaxed” sensations commonly attributed to consuming marijuana. Truthfully, I’ve tried marijuana in several forms and I don’t like the feeling one bit. So if that is concerning you, you can rest assured that you won’t feel even the least bit high. Although no health benefits of CBD have been confirmed by the FDA, some of the reasons people choose to ingest CBD are its reported usefulness in:

  • Pain relief
  • Inflammation
  • Relaxation
  • Reducing seizures
  • Social anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Cardiovascular health 


About 43CBD 

 I like to know where I am getting my CBD and who is making it, so I did a little research. Greg and Dontje, two friends and entrepreneurs from Colorado, are the team behind 43CBD. As the “master formulator”, Greg draws on his chemistry background as a student at the School of Mines, a career as a marine engineer, and a love of farming to craft their artisan hemp CBD oil products. Dontje is passionate about health and wellness (same, bro) and genuinely enjoys exploring how hemp can get people back to health and doing what they love. 

Their farms are nestled in the heart of the Rocky Mountains on the Western Slope of Colorado. Clear mountain spring water and high altitude air create the perfect environment for growing our artisan hemp. Hemp is like wine— special earthly conditions matter (who knew?!). Everything they do, from carefully hand-selecting the seeds, using all natural farm practices, to crafting their own full spectrum hemp oil and testing every batch for quality— is intentional and results in the greatest healing potency. 

 I personally care about who is making my CBD so when I learned about this team I felt like I could trust in the quality and in the practices with which it’s made. Intention has to be a huge driving force behind any business if I am going to use the products or share it with my audience.

Why does organic matter?

The United States 2018 Farm Bill classified hemp as a legal crop, allowing it to become a USDA regulated product that can be tested to ensure the best quality and purity standards are being met. Consumers hunt for organic foods and products because they’re better for the environment, they don’t contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), pesticides, herbicides, hormones, or antibiotics, and they boast a better nutritional and flavor profile. To procure the official USDA Organic seal, food producers, manufacturers and farmers have to go through rigorous testing and are required to follow strict guidelines to maintain their status as an organically certified producer. 

Here are the guidelines organic CBD producers need to abide by to attain and keep their certified USDA status:

  • The use of pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers can’t be used on the soil or crops during the growing or harvesting phase.
  • Growers are required to employ cultivation and tillage methods which limit soil erosion while protecting the overall quality of the soil.
  • All seeds are required to be non-GMO certified.
  • Growers are required to undergo a background check and surrender all sales records and lists of businesses they supply to.
  • CBD producers are required to follow the USDA-approved extraction process guidelines.
  • The final CBD product must be labeled and certified Organic by an authorized and certified USDA third-party auditor.
  • All the product’s ingredients before and after preparation are required to be tested by the auditor to guarantee USDA guidelines are being met down the entire supply chain for each and every product.
  • A yearly third-party audit is conducted in order to maintain organic certification status.


 What’s the difference between hemp, cannabis and marijuana?


Hemp is a member of the same family as marijuana, however, hemp and marijuana are chemically and characteristically different from one another. Hemp is a specific type of cannabis known as Cannabis sativa L, which contains less than 0.3% THC (the cannabinoid responsible for psychoactivity) and high levels of CBD. Cannabis plants that contain more than 0.3% THC are legally classified as marijuana plants and are still considered a federally illegal drug under the U.S. Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

Unlike marijuana, hemp is 100% legal to buy, sell, and grow. In fact, hemp is incredibly versatile; it can be turned into beer, sunscreen, milk, shoes, rope, skincare products, clothes, soap, a durable construction material, paper, protein powder, diapers, fuel, and even sports cars! 

Fun Fact: my husband’s step-grandpa owns a hemp farm in Colorado!


Cannabis is the taxonomic term that references an entire genus of over 170 plants that include both marijuana and hemp. To clarify, both hemp and marijuana are considered to be cannabis plants; marijuana contains more than 0.3% THC and hemp contains less than 0.3% THC.  


Marijuana is a species of cannabis that contains more than 0.3% THC — which is the cannabinoid responsible for getting users high and intoxicated when they smoke or eat it. While marijuana and hemp are related, they’re chemically and legally miles apart.


My Honest Thoughts on CBD

I’ve definitely noticed a difference when using CBD regularly before going to bed to manage my daily anxiety and to help me get to sleep. I wouldn’t say it’s been a substitute for me in times when I needed anti-anxiety pharmacuticals though. This is one of many tools I like to employ to manage my mental and physical wellbeing.

I wouldn’t ever say that one product is the be-all-end-all for me. And, I think it’s kinda irresponsible when anybody (influencer, blogger, or business owner) makes blanket claims like that. I will say about the 43CBD that I have been using, that their intention to create a truly high (pun intended *tee-hee*) quality product makes me love it even more.

A lot of people jumped on the CBD bandwagon and started creating products purely for the trend and cashflow. I don’t support that, so I surely won’t be supporting those types of businesses. So I urge you to do your homework when it comes to where you are spending your dollars, when it comes to CBD and otherwise. But to save you time and resaerch I can vouch for 43CBD. Also, their deep tissue muscle salve saved me a couple of times from home-renovation related back pain.  

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