Think about it, each season has themes, energies, and rituals. Our bodies and minds need different things at different times of the year. Self care for fall can help us feel more aligned with the season, and help us make the transition out of summer, which can be a real bummer for us summer lovers out there.

Winter gives us room for quiet introspection, a time to recharge and prepare for what’s ahead. The days are short and dark. You might spend more time on your couch cuddling with some chai tea and rewatching Downton Abbey for the millionth time. Winter gives you time to reflect, rest, and be still.

Spring is all about setting intentions, birthing ideas, and plantings new seeds for what’s to come. This is reflected in the natural world, and also in our renewed energy for some spring cleaning or new projects at home.

Summer brings a time of outward expansion, positive changes, transformation, and growth. The energy of summer lends itself to celebration and the robust glory of feeling free and alive.

How Seasons Influence Self Care

Autumn carries two equal but opposing energies that we can learn to cultivate in multiple areas of our lives.

On one hand autumn is all about letting go of what we no longer need. Trees lose their leaves, and we too can release old beliefs, habits, and choices that no longer serve us. While on the other hand it’s also a time to gather and harvest what is essential.

One theme predominates this season, and that is beginning to wind down. We turn down the tempo from summer’s energy and high spirited fun, to ease up on the gas, and find routine and groundedness.

The Autumn Equinox also brings an equal amount of light and darkness, which echoes these opposing themes of gathering what nourishes us, and letting go of what doesn’t. I like to see autumn as a celebration of balanced forces at work in our lives.

Today, as a former “Fall-Hater” I’m sharing some of my favorite ways to practice self care for fall and enhance the mind-body connection through the lens of all things fall!

trapped emotions

5 Practices To Align With Autumn

1. Alternate Nostril Breathing

Known in Sanskrit as nadi shodhana pranayama which translates as “subtle energy clearing breathing technique.” I did a whole video just on this topic, you can find it here.

And *fun fact* Hilary Clinton wrote in her book “What Happened” that she used alternate nostril breathing after her loss of the 2018 United States presidential election to manage stress and anxiety. Now that is definitely something I can relate to.

2. Try Some Grounding Yin Yoga

If you’ve never done Yin Yoga before check out my video explaining what it is and my article all about why you should totally give it a try. But in a nutshell Yin Yoga is an extremely gentle and slow yoga practice which uses poses that held for longer periods of time. It’s not your regular fast paced vinyasa flow.

Yin yoga is perfect for when you are feeling sick, run down, or over stimulated. It encourages circulation and energy flow to the joints and internal organs through passive poses that require little muscle engagement. 

When held for several minutes the poses place pressure on energetic pathways called meridians (think acupressure points) activating energy flow along these pathways, so it’s actually doing a lot more than you think, pretty cool right? This helps to bring us into balance energetically and is perfect when we feel totally discombobulated (I really like using that word).

3. Enjoy Seasonal Fall Foods

No matter where you are in the world, you can focus on eating seasonal produce and other foods that align with the energetic properties of the season. During the autumn there is an abundance of produce, especially root vegetables.

Some of my favorite fall recipes include my Apple Pumpkin Seed To-Go Bars, Golden Turmeric Milk, a Healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte, and a Paleo Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Bowl. Try to incorporate these seasonal foods and herbs into your routine this fall:

  • Apples, Pears, Pumpkins, Cabbage, Mushrooms, Pomegranates, Chestnuts, Cranberries, Artichokes, Parsnips, Turnips, Sweet Potatoes, Clementines, Figs, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Rosemary, Ginger, Paprika, Cloves, Nutmeg, Allspice, and Fennel.

I have lots of other suggestions for choosing the right foods to support your wellness in the autumn in this post on ayurveda for autumn.

Pumpkins fall

4. Take Time To Reflect Through Journaling

While journaling this season, I encourage you to think about what goals you set out to complete at the beginning of the year and really look at what has helped you and what has held you back. While journaling, ask yourself these questions to help you guide your energy toward achieving these goals, and celebrating the fullness of your life. Some journal prompts to get you started are:

  • How have I grown personally and professionally this year?
  • What are my favorite ways to slow down, and reconnect with myself and my desires?
  • When I get really quiet with myself what does my inner guide/higher selftell me I need to do more or less of?
  • One OLD habit or belief I am committed to letting go of this season is…because…
  • One NEW habit or belief I am committed to letting go of this season is …because…
Self Care for Fall

5. Do a DIY Autumn At-Home Retreat

I love anything DIY, and an at home retreat day is the ultimate cost effective indulgence. Plan for a day where you have nothing else going on (I know, like does that even exist anymore?) and follow my Autumn At-Home Retreat Day in the updated Autumn Self Care Guide because you’ve earned it girlfriend.

self care for fall

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Self Care for Fall

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