Ok friends, it’s Amazon Prime Day and I’m rounding up my favorite organic and sustainable deals for Amazon Prime Day! 

As a reader of many blogs I’ve always appreciated transparency between blogger and reader. This relationship is actually really important to me. I write from my heart and I share what I am interested in with the hope that you might glean some inspiration of information from what I have to share, and that is a privilege I don’t take lightly. I want to always be transparent about how things work around here, so I’m disclosing that throughout this site and several posts I’ve included certain links to products that I will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make.

I only promote and share products here that I either use myself, or hope to purchase one day because I either LOVE what the brand stands for or find the product conducive to living well. This is no extra expense to you, just a way for brands to say “thanks, Caroline!” when I send my readers their way. 

Amazon Organics

Here are some great items that are all organic from Amazon. The thing with the label “organic” is that it’s not always easy to tell when an item is being “greenwashed” and it’s hard to do proper research on all the products in Amazon’s lineup. But I felt that these were all solid organic items that are not to be missed during Amazon Prime Day. 

Amazon Sustainable

It might seem counter intuitive to make sustinable purchases from Amazon, seeing as they are not the most eco minded corporation, however many of us use Amazon and the convenience does have it’s value. Also the prime day deals are not to be missed. Here are some of my favorite sustinable products that are on sale for Amazon Prime Day. 

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