Hey friends, in these uncertain times I’ve been craving extra sources of comfort from certain foods (I am a cookie queen, no judgement please) to my daily self care and especially what I’m wearing. If you’re like me you’ve probably been scouring the internet for a new pair of comfy joggers, or a cute matching pajama set. It’s safe to say that loungewear is having a moment.  So I’ve compiled some of my favorite sustainable and ethical loungewear to help you quarantine in style.

I’m really trying to be more intentional with how I spend money these days. Not soley from a financially responsible point of view, but from an ethically, socially, and sustainably conscious point of view.

If I’m spending my precious dollars I want it to go towards companies I wish to see survive the economic meltdown. Remember, we vote with our dollars, so now more than ever it’s important to put our money where our values are.

One of the best ways we can be spending our stimulus checks (aside from paying bills and feeding your family or course) is by putting it into brands that uphold strong values of sustainability and ethical treatment of workers and the planet. Lucky for you I’ve done the hours of research so you don’t have to. I’ve searched through brands that maintain high standards of conservation and and fair treatment of everyone across the supply chain, for the cutest sustainable and ethical loungewear I could find. 


Here are some of my favorite sustainable and ethical loungewear picks for quarantining in style, from brands that are doing good for the planet and humanity:



One of my all time favorite purchases is the Athleta Wrap Sweater. I bought it last winter and it was basically my uniform. It is the softest material I’ve ever felt! For a cute twist on a basic sweatshirt the Yoga Tie Back top from Athleta will definitely elevate your style while still being comfy. If you know me well, you know that blue and white stripes are sort of my thing. If I were a cartoon character that only got one outfit to wear for the rest of my life, it would be this hoodie from Boden. I love Boden because they are dedicated to sustianability from the macro, like using sustainably sourced cotton in their garments, to the micro, by repurposing rainwater to flush all the toilets in their warehouse (I mean, that’s dedication)! The People Tree Laurel Top is made from 100% organic cotton. People Tree is committed to multiple sustainability and fair trade values, that I completely support. 


For bottoms I’m all about the jogger, and they MUST be super soft. The cotton in the Cuyana Pima Tapered Pant and their Wide Leg Pant is grown, spun, and made into finished garments all in Peru, reducing it’s carbon footprint. These Natural Skin Sleep Pants are made from organic cotton and are suuuuper soft! Athleta is a certified B Corp which means they use their business as a source for good. They are extremely transparent on their website about how they are maintaining high sustainability standards. Their Farallon Jogger is on its way to me as I type this! 


I’ve never been a fan of nightgowns. I feel like I have to be a little girl or an old lady to pull it off, but this nightgown from Natural Skin...woah. I might be changing my ways. Even if you never wear this to sleep in, it’s such a sweet and comfy around the house dress that makes you feel like you made an effort (but really you didn’t). The Matching Sleep Sets from Pact are perfect for the warmer months. I don’t know what it is about matching pajamas but I feel like a sophisticated lady when I wear them (but I guess I would feel sophisticated in anything other than my college teeshirt and pajama pants with holes my dog chewed). BTW Pact has super affordable products that are made from organic cotton, are fair trade certified, and maintain a Sustainable and Ethical Style Guarantee. 

See all my Sustainable Loungewear picks!

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sustainable fashion

Why Should We Care About The Sustainable Fashion Movement

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