3 Lessons that Helped me own my Confidence and Share Authentically as a Blogger

3 Lessons that Helped me own my Confidence and Share Authentically as a Blogger

Confidence. When I think of it, I realize it’s a major factor in how we as women can show up in a greater capacity, support one another, inspire each other, and create the life we so deeply desire. Especially in the digital age when everyone has a platform, it’s hard to feel like you have something special to offer.

But the lack of confidence gets in our way all too often. We are almost programmed to have a thought of doubt pop up when we get a new idea.

“Who am I to do that?” and “I just don’t see how I could ever make that happen” are things I often would say to myself before I learned these powerful steps from my mentor Gabby Bernstein

When I first started my blog (true story) I considered writing it anonymously.  I think about that now and I’m like “WTF was I thinking?” My desire was to connect with others, share my story, and hopefully inspire my readers to learn about leading a healthier and more mindful lifestyle. But I couldn’t do that if I’m like the “great-and-powerful-oz” over here behind the curtain.

If I was going to facilitate a community I had to show up, even though it was scary at first. 

That brought me to understand a little more about confidence. It’s not like a light switch where one day you decide you’re confident and that’s that. At least that’s not what my experience has taught me.

I have to make the choice (usually on a daily basis) to take a step over the boundary of my comfort zone. Confidence is like a staircase. Every time you step up, you’ll be faced with another circumstance where you have to step up, again, and again, and again. Sorry if you thought this was gonna be easy!

So how do you own your confidence? Here are the steps Gabby taught me, and now I want to share them with you. 

1. Own your story

What is your story to tell? Maybe you overcame a massive hardship and want to inspire others in that situation. Or maybe you have been working on a skill that you know others will find helpful or interesting to learn about.

What is it that you want to share with the world?

Now I know you’re gonna say “but I need that degree / training / credential / course / certificate / letters after my name in order to go out there and share this.” 

Honey, are you listening…Your story is the most important credential you will ever need. 

It’s likely that if you’re reading this then you’ve maybe hit some rock bottom moment or experienced a transformation in your life. Your transformation is unique to you and created a story of change and inspiration. You have a story, and your story is what inspires and heals. 

Exercise: Free write your story. Get out jour journal and write about where you were in your life, what happened, and how you got to where you are today. I bet you there’s somebody out there who can benefit from what you have to share, and that brings us to…

2. Share your story

 Like I said, your story is what heals and inspires. By sharing your story you help people recognize their own ability to change and grow. Think back to somebody who has inspired you. What was it about their story that resonated with you and how did it help you? What that person did for you was to show you that you are not alone, you are seen, your experiences matter, and your story is powerful in healing others. 

I was terrified to share my story about dealing with anxiety. I was afraid of my family members reading it and judging me (which is ludicrous because I know for a fact nobody in my family would do that, but we all conjure up stories to keep us small). This was about 5 years ago, and so much has changed around the conversation about mental health. Once I started talking about it I found so many other people who dealt with the same thing. Maybe I won’t know how many people I impacted with sharing my truth, but that’s ok because it’s not about me. 

When you share your story it’s not about you. It’s about the experience you’ve had and those who resonate with it.

There’s a lot of freedom that comes when you realize that it’s not about you. Authenticity will resonate with people more than a perfectly polished speech or book. Sharing  your truth whenever you can is the most powerful way you can show up in the world. 

Exercise: Decide what ways feel authentic for you and go out and share your story. Whether it’s in a blog or social media post, or maybe it’s sharing with people in your life or hosting talks at a local library. Gabby gave lectures for free for the first 5 years of her career because it was a message that she felt so strongly about needing to get out.

3. Affirm your purpose

Don’t know what your purpose is yet? You don’t have to! When you live from a place of inspiration and you serve others your purpose finds you. It will all be presented to you when you get out of your own head and ask yourself “how can I be truly helpful” let this intention guide you and your purpose will come. 

Exercise: Say this intention daily: “How can I be truly helpful today.” 

As you start to feel more confident and discover your unique purpose on this planet you might want to turn that passion and purpose into a profession. Whether you want to bring more purpose to your current profession, or you want to shift into doing the work that inspires you full time. This is a whole other topic! 

 Want a free training on this?

I learned these lesson from my friend and mentor, NYT bestselling author Gabby Bernstein. Gabby has been a spiritual leader for more than a decade, and she’s committed to guiding us through the blocks that keep us from serving the world and rising up in our own unique and amazing way.

She’s got a kickass FREE 3-part video training that will get you into action to be abundant and make an impact doing what you love. I’m obsessed with this training, and she only does it once a year, so lucky you!

In the first video, Gabby shares 3 steps you can take to truly own your confidence and get into action now. You’ll gain the confidence to embrace the fact that you have a divine purpose — and start taking inspired action so it can unfold.

I’m also a proud affiliate of Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital Course (if you haven’t checked it out I recommend you do). I deeply believe in her and that program, so if along the way you decide to dive into her work even deeper I may earn a referral fee when you sign up from my recommendation.

Whether you are a blogger, entrepreneur, teacher, lawyer, creative, writer, or corporate boss lady you all get so much value out of it.

Click here to watch the video and learn…

  • The 3 steps to owning your confidence and getting into action now
  • The secret to conquering doubt and uncertainty
  • How to feel strongly connected to your purpose

I hope this finds you exactly when you needed to see it!


The Most Common Ways Women Give Away Their Power….and How To Get It Back

The Most Common Ways Women Give Away Their Power….and How To Get It Back

So there’s this custom among women, stop me if you’ve heard it, where we talk about all the things we’re going to do- and then we don’t do them.

Oh, you’ve heard of it? Maybe you’ve participated in this little ritual. I know I have.

Whether it’s out loud at your book club… “Ladies, this year I’m going to read all of the classics” or in your head “this month…no more sugar. I mean it this time!”

…yeah we all do it, and I’m having a problem with one tiny aspect.

Ready for it?

It’s not the things that go unaccomplished that have the negative effect. It’s the act of betraying your word to yourself that does the most harm. 

What do I mean?

When you make a promise to someone you probably make sure you follow through. Your friend needs a ride to the airport? On it! Kids need you to make them a Dorothy costume for Halloween? You got it kiddo!

They rely on you, and you come through because these people matter to you. You care about them, and you value their trust. But what about coming through when you rely on yourself?  *yeah, I know crickets*

trapped emotions

So how do we give away all our power?

The fact that we don’t feel the same type of let down when we do it to ourselves is a disconnect that haunts me. The disconnect is that we don’t place value on our word to ourselves, and at the root of that…lacking in self worth.

When I read The Four Agreements many years ago (my very first personal development book *wipes away tear*) it talks about being impeccable with your word. It says:

“Through the word you express your creative power…The word is a force…The word is the most powerful tool you have as a human; it is the tool of magic.”

By taking power away from our word we are really taking away power from ourselves.

If you had a friend that kept saying they would do something with you and then always cancelled at the last minute would you still wanna hang out with her? Bigger question: Would you still respect her? Probs not.

Keeping your word to yourself is the most radical act of self respect you can commit.

I REPEAT… Keeping your word to yourself is the most radical act of self respect you can commit. 

The little seed of self respect blossoms into self worth (do you feel you deserve to go after that promotion?), and finally to self love (do you deserve better than the guy that keeps putting down your intellect?).

SELF RESPECT…SLEF WORTH…SELF LOVE…it’s a cycle, they all feed into one another.

When you respect yourself enough you make conscious and loving decisions. When you know your worth you can expect more and let go of the things that don’t serve you. When you love yourself, well, you’ve got all the power in the universe, girlfriend. 

How to practice this in real life…

The small action of keeping your word to yourself is like a skill. Once you stick with something you commit to, you learn what you are capable of, you learn that you actually CAN keep your promises to yourself. And that skill gets stronger.

It’s ok to start small.

If you want to run a marathon, decide how much you are willing to run each day (no matter how small) and then actually do what you said. When your brain learns that it’s normal to follow through on things, you’ll follow through on more things. You’ll accomplish what you want in your life, and you’ll start creating the life you want. The one you KNOW you deserve (oh hey, we’re back to self worth…see it’s a cycle).

The best goals are the ones you will actually keep. They are not the biggest, they are not the most impressive, they are the ones you won’t give up on. 

So today, give this a try.

  1. Think of one thing you’ve been telling yourself you want to do, but haven’t actually done yet.
  2. Write down that goal, and WHY it’s important to you to accomplish it. Always start by knowing your WHY.
  3. Now make a MICRO-GOAL. Break it down into something you can so easily do because it’s just so freaking small you can’t NOT do it. Make it so itty bitty that it will take little to no will power to make it happen.

Here are some examples of Micro-goals:

  • Read 2 pages of a book each day.
  • Spend 5 minutes stretching before bed.
  • Run for 10 minutes after work.
  • Walk around the block one time every morning.
  • List out 3 things you are grateful for.

Remember the important thing is not the goal itself, but that you make it so stinky’ easy that you do it with no will power necessary.

Got it?! Now make the promise to yourself knowing fully that you WILL keep your promises.

I love you!

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4 Things to Remember When You Feel Stuck

4 Things to Remember When You Feel Stuck

There’s never one moment in our lives when we turn everything around and are awesome forever and ever. I think we expect to have that turning point moment where the sun comes out and we feel a deep sense of joy, and peace, but then we “feel stuck” when that doesn’t happen. I hear this all the time when people say things like “I left my 9-5 to be a full time blogger/influencer/coach/whatever and I’ve never been happier” it glosses over the many moments of frustration and insecurity that comes with those types of gigs, making the rest of us gals feel stuck in our own growth. 

Or when people say “I started doing yoga and it changed my life.” Yes, I’m sure it’s helped you, but yoga isn’t a magic wand. When we put that type of pressure on something outside of us, we give away all our power to bring about those feelings within ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great if you love yoga (I clearly LOVE yoga), but let’s not forget that with certain things we expect it to bring us closer to that elusive feeling we are after of finally having/being/feeling “IT” (whatever IT is for you).

Maybe, if you’re like me and you’ve had the though that when you finally get a pair of Luboutons you’ll feel like that gorgeous, special, successful, powerful woman you want to be. So are you after the shoes, or are you really wanting the feeling and the becoming of that desired version of yourself? When we chase after IT, we are forgetting what we really want. 

So here’s 4 things to remember when you feel stuck letting external circumstances dictate your happiness:

Remember everybody poops. At the end of the day we all have insecurities. Even those who we perceive as always seeming happy, free, and fulfilled. Maybe it’s the travel yogi you follow on instagram, who is always in amazing places. Or the #relationshipgoals couples on facebook that make you wanna puke, but also make you want what they have. This is more in the realm of comparison-its, but using external expectations from other people to tell you what happiness is, will only bring you more frustration. 

Set realistic expectations for yourself. This one is where I fall HARD. There’s no feeling joyful every single moment of the day. And I don’t say this to be negative, I think when we get real about our expectations that’s when we can transcend our old ideas of what happiness really is, and rather than thinking “I’ll be happy when…” or “once I get XYZ then I won’t be to stressed” or whatever you tell yourself to pass the time between now and “there” because we are always looking as “once I get there…”

Don’t do yourself the disservice of waiting on the check, the man, the job, the opportunity, the big break. Yes, I wish those things for you and more. But what I really wish for you, and for me (as I often write my content knowing it’s what I need to hear too) is for you to cultivate the art of finding happiness right now, without the check, without the man, before the job and success and big break that are ultimately coming your way. Not relying on them for your happiness (knowing fully that they are yours and are already on their way, thankyouamen).

Ask yourself this…What do you need to do right now in this minute to get you there? What new beliefs do you need to adopt? What old beliefs do you need to let go of, for you to fully know that happiness is a moment to moment thing, none of it is guaranteed. All you are truly guaranteed is this moment, so let’s practice finding that happiness we long after, right here.

Love always,



The Best of 2017!

The Best of 2017!

This year has brought many blessings for myself, as well as many of you beautiful readers. I launched Bloom & Spark 3 years ago, with no idea what I was doing, only a desire to share my own health and wellness journey. My hope to inspire others while I learned, explored, and shared has grown slowly and steadily like the little engine that could. I have to remind myself every day that it took guts to put myself out there, share my story, and continue to show up as honestly as I can. Unfortunately, like so many others, I can get caught in the trap of comparison-itis. But in the spirit of seeing our lives as beautiful and perfect just as they are, I wanted to share with you some of my highlights from 2017.

Getting Engaged

My fiancé, Tim, and I have been together for 11 years!!! Say What!?!?! We met in college and had loads of things to do before throwing a really complicated and expensive wedding seemed like a good idea. I’m so glad we waited, and we are savoring every moment of being engaged before the big day in June 2018.  (Isn’t he cute!)


Finally Stepping into Coaching

I read a journal entry of mine in 2015 where I wrote about how I wanted to help people somehow but I didn’t know how to start or what to do. Fast forward a few years, and I finally stepped into my role as a health and wellness coach this year, despite many doubts, and fears. My first couple of private clients I had in 2017 felt like divine soulmates, brought to be by the universe herself to show me that I have what it takes to make an impact on their lives. I am madly in love with my clients and the work that we do to bring more meaning to their lives. Nothing has brought my the type of joy and enthusiasm than working with these amazing women to help them find greater balance in mind, body, and spirit….oh and I’m just getting started!

Being Named Lululemon’s Teacher of the Month

I sort of hesitate to put this up here because it’s definitely an outer source of happiness for sure. Meaning that it involves extrenal recognition. I’m always talking about not placing serious meaning on ego driven happiness but in this case it’s a little different. Partnering with Lululemon was a dream come true, not becasue of the name and fancy yoga pants, but because the sense of community they create. Not only am I friends with so many of the ladies that work there (the Hamptons are a pretty small community) but the outreach and generosity that Lululemon shows for our comminity, is unmatched. I got to teach classes to fellow yoga-loving Hamptons locals in the most beautiful yoga space/art gallery, meet more people in my community, and they honestly throw some pretty rad parties too! Being around nice people is just..well really nice!

Traveling to Stockholm

One of the best, and most random ideas we’ve ever had. It’s not that I didn’t want to go to Stockholm, it’s just that it never really occurred to me as a place to travel to. I had a long list of places that would have come before Stockholm. But thanks to some extremely cheap flights, we booked a trip without hesitation. With no expectations we were set up to be blown away by the culture, architectural beauty, lovely people, and the MOST INCREDIBLE FOOD! I will forever recommend Stockholm as a must-see destination, and hope to return there someday. (I’m actually toally obsessed with Scandinavian culture now btw.)

Investing in Myself

I’m certain that more people should be doing this. I always thought investing in myself meant getting a mani/pedi every few months. HA! What I’ve really come to learn is that investing in yourself involves going out on a limb, learning something you never knew, taking a course or a training in something you’re interested in, and exploring hidden depths and heights to who you are as a person. I have begun to invest in myself in ways that would have freaked me out in the past, but I see no other investment as sound as investing in yourself. My best investments in the past have included a 200 hour yoga teacher training, Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 1 & 2 with Gabby Bernstein (best investment ever, btw), B-school with Marie Forleo (highly recommend it to all my fellow boss-babes out there), Amanda Frances Life Coach Course, and finally this year the biggest investment of all… I finally hired my own coach!

This is poignant because I always thought I could do everything myself. If I just got enough books, watched enough free webinars, sighed up for all the freebies out there, that I would know what to do. Well that may be true but knowledge without strategy for implementation is like a wet match. I just invested in my second high level coach and every time I work with a coach I am taken to new heights in my business and personal growth. Moral: if you’re thinking about hiring a coach just do it. You’ll wish you did it sooner!






Here’s to a fabulous 2018. When you look back on your year what stands out the most to you?


5 Keys to Achieving Your Goals

5 Keys to Achieving Your Goals

So let’s talk about goal setting. As a speech-language pathologist (betcha didn’t know I also do that), I am trained in assessing somebody’s needs and constructing clear, measurable, and attainable goals to plan their treatment and growth. I do this for people all day, everyday. As I’ve started growing my own business and personal wellness habits, I’ve learned the true power behind intentional goal setting with a few strategies. These are my 5 keys to achieving your goals.


This is all about getting clear on WHAT your goals are and WHY they are your goals. The WHY part is key here. I’ve gone after things that, when I really thought about it, I didn’t actually want. I may have liked the idea of it in theory, or maybe I wanted to see myself as a person who did that thing, but it never lit me up inside. Have you ever done that? Like deciding to train for a marathon because it sounds so badass and you want to say you ran a marathon…but you don’t actually like to run. Training will be torture, and it’s more likely that you will give up on it because it’s not motivating or rewarding.

I can’t stress enough the importance of having a clear reason for wanting to achieve your goals. 

Try this! Take out your journal and list out a few things that you would like to accomplish. Then next to each one write five (or more) reasons why you want it. Be selfish! Be specific! Nobody has to see this. It’s incredibly effective to attach deeper purpose for your goals. Knowing why you want something, keeps you motivated on those days when you just don’t feel like putting in the effort.

A deeper way to identify meaningful goals is to get at the heart of what it is you really want. Each time you write a “why” statement next to your goal ask why you want that. For example: “I want to lose weight…why? To feel better…why? To have more energy to take care of my family..why?…So I can be the best mom to my kids.” So by doing that you get to the heart of the goal. Here’s another example; “I want to start a business…why? I’m sick of the 9-5 grind. Why? I don’t like doing work I’m not passionate about and have to ask for permission when I need time off. Why? Because it doesn’t fulfill me and I have no freedom to do what I want?” So the original goal can be clarified to say “I want to create a fulfilling and freedom based business.”



Identify who you have to to BE to achieve these goals. Have faith in yourself, and in the process. If you don’t believe you can transform your life and get what you want, then it’s not going to get done. We all have the power to turn our thoughts and ideas into reality. The thing that separates the people who make it happen from the people who don’t is absolute certainty that they are worthy of it.

A good way to grow your certainty if it’s not strong at first is through strategic visualization. Not just dreaming about what you want to happen. Imagine yourself doing the daily work needed to achieve the goal. See yourself getting up early, making those calls, pushing past the moments you want to give up. If you’re training for a marathon don’t just see yourself crossing the finish line; picture how you pushed through the cramp on mile 14 during training when it was cold and raining.

THEN get into the vibration of how it will feel when it’s achieved. This is the most important part of creating certainty. Get into the mindset of how you will feel. If your goal is to grow a coaching business you can run from your laptop these are some things you will want to feel; elation when you get a grateful email from a client who saw major transformation after working with you; abundance when you look at your growing bank account, knowing that money comes easily to you; freedom when you book that one way ticket to bali because you don’t have to sit in cubicle anymore; fulfillment knowing you are doing what you were born to do; and my favorite, that  “OMG I actually pulled this off” feeling of experiencing your true power when you realize you are exactly where you dreamed you would be.


Coming up with a plan of action is the most tangible step in achieving your goals. It gives you a clear path from beginning to end. It also takes the pressure off the big vision. Often we only come up with our main goal without creating a specific plan of action, and then a week later wonder why we haven’t achieved it. The main goal is too overwhelming all by itself. We’ve all told ourselves that we will “loose the weight” or “workout more” but without a plan it often doesn’t get accomplished.

So here is how we structure goals into actionable steps.

1.Make a Long Term Goal: The long term goal is your main goal. It’s something that you’d like to see accomplished in the next six months to a year. It doesn’t state how or when the goal will be achieved. This is purely the WHAT. These goals are usually what comes after “I want to…”

Examples of Long Term Goals:

  • Have a daily meditation practice
  • Write a book
  • Earn $100k in my business this year
  • Lose 20 pounds
  • Run a marathon
  • Open a bakery

2. Create Short Term Goals: Your short term goals are the outline and breakdown of everything you need to do in order to reach that end goal. It’s the HOW. Ask yourself what you need to do every day, week, and month to get to the end. Breaking it up into bite sized pieces does two things. 1) It tells you exactly what you need to do today and tomorrow so you are clear on your path and 2) It makes the end goal not seem so insurmountable, and takes the pressure off of you.

Perhaps you break down a yearly goal into quarterly benchmarks (where you want to be every 3 months), then monthly goals, weekly goals, and daily tasks. I’ve found that it helps to make small daily tasks that lead you to my weekly goals, that lead to monthly goals, all the way up to my long term goal. Some goals won’t need to be broken down in such specific ways. It will depend on the goal.

Examples of a goal broken down:

  • Long Term Goal: Write a Book in the next year
    • Quarter 1:Create Book Outline
      • Month 1: Research topics needed for the book
        • Daily Tasks: Spend 1-2 hours in the library 5 days a week, collecting information from relevant sources.
      • Month 2: Construct a detailed chapter outline
        • Daily Task: Spend 1 hour 5 days a week organizing outline of the book.
      • Month 3: Add more details to each chapter in the outline
        • Daily Task: Spend 1 hour 5 days a week adding details to each chapter outline.
    • Quarter 2:Write The book
      • Month 1: Write Chapters 1-3
        • Daily Task: Write 1,000 words towards creating chapters 1-3.
      • Month 2: Write Chapters 4-7
        • Daily Task: Write 1,000 words towards creating chapters 4-7.
      • Month 3: Write Chapters 8-10
        • Daily Task: Write 1,000 words towards creating chapters 8-10.
    • Quarter 3: Edit the book
      • Month 1:Hire an editor
      • Month 2: Make Corrections
      • Month 3:Finalize manuscript
    • Quarter 4:Send to Publishers
      • Month 1:
      • Month 2:
      • Month 3:

The more you boil these down from long term goals to daily tasks the more specific and measurable they can get. You always want to have a way to measure your goals. I love physical and visual ways to measure progress. Coloring in little boxes next to your tasks will show you how often you have done them. And if you’re a little OCD you won’t like seeing blank boxes. Include precise amounts, dates, and times so you can measure your degree of success.


Once you know what you want, why you want it, and how you are going to go about achieving it, you need a way to make sure you actually DO those things. It’s often not enough to hold yourself accountable. I know I tell myself things I want to do all the time and never follow through, because there’s no damage to my character or reputation if I don’t keep my word to myself. I’ve found that you can give me every gym membership or workout dvd, but if I don’t have a group to check into when it comes to my daily workouts, it’s very likely that I will find an excuse to not workout.

Partners: You can get a “running buddy” somebody that is working toward similar goals, so you can keep each other on track.

Coaches: Coaches are one step better than having a buddy because they will check in with you weekly and expect to see progress.You’re less likely to show up empty handed to a session with a coach if they are expecting to hear about what you’ve done that week…and if you are paying them to stay on your ass.

Groups: Join a group where everyone is working toward a similar goal. Fitness accountability groups, addiction recovery groups, and online masterminds are a great way to stay on track. You can get ideas and support from others, and you feel helpful by providing that same support to others.

Sharing your goal: Tell everyone in your life about what you are doing.  Share it on Facebook, and people will expect to see your progress.Telling yourself you will do it is one thing, telling others what you are doing creates external accountability.


Set aside one time every week where you will look over what you have accomplished that week that contributes to the long term goal. I enjoy doing this on Sunday night. Look back over your daily and weekly tasks and give yourself a review. Have you done everything you need to do this week? How well did you do them? What caused you to slack? What helped motivate you? Asking yourself these questions can help you learn what works for you and what doesn’t work for you. Over time you will begin to fine tune your process and eliminate the things that hold you back.

Make a ritual out of this time; pour a cup of tea, light a candle, and put on your favorite music. By creating an enjoyable routine when checking in with your progress, it’s more likely that you will continue this behavior. This time to check in with yourself will keep your mind focused on the goal, and give you momentum. When you see all the things that you have done in a week, you will feel proud and motivated to continue on. Cultivating momentum is super important here!

In addition to checking in with your progress over the past week, take a look at the week ahead. Make a clear plan for what you need to get done that week so you can start the week off with intention and clarity. I use paper planners and write some of my daily tasks there, but I also love using online tools like Evernote, iCal, and Google docs.

I hope this helps you in the new year!


5 keys to achieving your goals

3 Steps to Co-Create with the Universe

3 Steps to Co-Create with the Universe

Before I get into sharing the three steps to co-creating with the universe I want to share with you a little story from my life that illustrates the topic beautifully. I never intended to share this story. I sat down to type out an Instagram post about my lovely day teaching yoga in the Hamptons (because that’s insta-worthy right?). What I ended up with was a whole story about how I started to create my dream life.


In 2010 I was in graduate school. The stress of school on top of my anxiety disorder weakened my spirit and left me feeling empty, often crying for no reason, then feeling guilty for feeling bad because there was nothing really “wrong” about my life. I started to do yoga more regularly that year because there was a free class offered at the local studio, and being in grad school with no income, it was a gift every week to get on my mat, and begin to establish a connection to strange new entity…myself.

That year I had mentioned to my boyfriend that I would like to get certified to teach yoga someday. He assumed I was only saying that because a good friend of mine had just become certified and was posting beautiful shots of herself doing advanced yoga poses on the beaches of Hawaii. “No, I really think it’s something I want to do someday.” I remember replying.

Meanwhile, growing up on Long Island and spending my childhood summers in Montauk, I always felt drawn to the area known as the Hamptons. Aside from the mega mansions and celebrity reputation, I loved the old-fashioned charm of the towns juxtaposed with the chic restaurants and stores; all amidst the backdrop of the Atlantic ocean on one side, and sprawling horse pasture on the other.

I got into this phase in grad school, where my nightly escape was not Netflix, but browsing real estate websites, looking at houses in the Hamptons, dreaming I would someday live there. That’s not really normal for a 22 year old. Maybe it is, I don’t know. It was so far out of left field to think I could one day live there. We were going to move wherever my boyfriend got accepted to medical residency, which could be ANYWHERE in the country. The chances of ever ending up exactly where we wanted were slim.



Then one day we were at a residency fair (like a college fair but for residency programs my boyfriend was looking at). Well wouldn’t you know, Southampton Hospital had a table. They were beginning a new program for surgery, the field he wanted to go into. The program had just started so he would be only the second class to get into the program. Residency is hard, the interview process is hard, and matching at your desired program often doesn’t happen.

As chance would have it, by some date mixup he wasn’t able to submit his application on time because he didn’t rotate there early enough in the year. MAJOR BUMMER.

Chance is a tricky thing, and can turn around to bite you, or bless you.

We were blessed.

He was able to apply for an intern year prior to residency, which he was accepted to, and would likely be followed by a spot in the residency program (unless he totally screwed up or something). So now instead of 5 years in the Hamptons, we were given the opportunity to live here for 6 years. Did the universe hear my desires or what?

Meanwhile I totally forgot about wanting to be a yoga instructor. I was in a job I hated, with a commute I hated even more, anxiety was at an all time high, and I had no time for self-care, fitness, or yoga. When I left that job and moved out to the Hamptons I met a nice girl named Erica who worked at the vineyard that was beginning to host yoga classes. I mentioned to her that I’ve thought about becoming certified one day. As chance would have it, again, she just completed her yoga teacher training right here in the Hamptons. There was a program that ran on weekends, which was perfect since I had a weekday job.



I looked into it. Thought about it for moths, missed the deadline to sign up, and let a whole year go by while I went back and forth, wondering if I was ready. Then finally I did it. I was tired of waiting around for my life to change, and I realized the only thing holding me back at this point was myself. The opportunity was there, I just wasn’t taking it. The only lesson this taught me looking back, is if you want something and you have the opportunity, take it. Or else stop complaining that your life isn’t how you want it to be.



Fast forward to today. I have lived in the Hamptons for 5 years and have been teaching yoga for 2 years. This community is more of a home to me than I ever imagined it would be when I was looking through real estate websites. I still have my regular job, and a long ass commute, but today I stopped and thought back to those moments in grad school and said to myself “wow, I’m actually living the life I dreamed of all those years ago.” It was like at the end of the parent trap when Lindsay Lohan says “We actually did it!” (sorry, I love that movie)


Don’t get co-creating confused with getting your wishes granted. Nothing happens in our lives without our active participation in it. You can put out all the “wishes” and “desires” to the universe, but if you don’t show up, do your part and leave the part that’s out of your control to unfold in it’s own way, then we can never create the life or experiences we want.

  1. Set your intentions and let it be known. Yes, it sounds a bit woo woo but by putting out intentions into the world you are sending the universe signals in your actions and in your energy. For me that was taking those yoga classes, telling my boyfriend that I wanted to be an instructor someday, reading, researching, and dreaming about life in the Hamptons.
  2. Take the action that you CAN take. This is the practical, show up in your life kind of stuff. For us that meant applying to the program at Southampton Hospital. For Tim it meant performing well at his rotations there, setting a good impression, and securing a spot in the program. And for me that also meant going to yoga classes, talking to people about my interest in becoming a teacher, and following through with it. Making the decision to put that money down and invest in the training was hard, but worth every penny and then some.
  3. Not attaching to the outcome or trying to orchestrate every little bit of it. Did I know HOW I was going to make that happen? No. I wasn’t concerned with the HOW (honestly because it never actually felt like a possibility) which allowed me to not focus on how it would happen. I knew what I wanted to see unfold in my life, and put my energy into envisioning and dreaming about it. Trusting that whatever unfolds is exactly what you need and asked for. I always say “May it be this or something better”